Aman Prasad – Cabin Crew – Air India Express

Aman Prasad - Air India

1. How did CTA help you achieve your dream?

CTA helped me get familiar with the real world of aviation and hospitality. It made me realize that it was not a bed of roses and that I have to be very strong to face the challenges of the industry.

2. How supportive was the teaching staff and other staff?

The teaching staff are the backbone of the academy. The best part is their background is the airline and hospitality industry. They are very friendly and cooperative. They give individual focus to each student.

3. What specific training helped you the most in getting the job?

Specifically EQ classes were very beneficial. It taught me to be calm and cool in times of crisis. As a crew, I have actually realized this many times at 35000ft.

4. Which extracurricular activities you found the most helpful to get your job?

Group discussion and debates on various topics helped me a lot to crack interviews.

5. What special effort did you do on your own to get the job?

I did and practiced what was said in the class as I believe practice makes on perfect. The academy can only guide and tell us what to do, it is we who need to do and perform.

6. What is your advice for future students aspiring to pursue a cabin crew career?

First of all, never give up which I learnt from our instructors at CTA. They always used to tell us to stick to it, even if it was tough. Concentrate on grooming, spoken English and never stop yourself from learning.

7. Do you think you have got the best return on the money you invested in building your career?

Yes, I believe I have got the worth of the money invested. I am going to international places, earning in INR and foreign currency, staying in the best hotels.

8. Will CTA hold a special place in your heart?

I will always have a soft corner for CTA. Even if I fly high, my roots are at CTA.

9. Would you recommend CTA to your friends, family, and other students out there looking to join a good Aviation Academy?

I will always recommend CTA to all those who are interested in a career in Aviation and Hospitality. It is by far the best academy for Cabin crew training in Kolkata and one of the best in the country.

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